Sunday, 19 December 2010

This is the BBC

A few days ago some of you enjoyed the wonderful play performed by Moving On Theatre Company called "This is the BBC".

I must say that this is the fifth time that we have had the same company in our school and once again the play was very entertainning and the actors very professional.

Every year we find the experience very motivating as students really get to understand what is going on.The children thoroughly enjoy their time and have a good laugh , especially those who are asked to join the actors on stage. Don´t you agree? Watch the video and see what you think ...

If you want to contact the company ,here is their internet address

Christmas Traditions

Read the following journal called "My English Christmas" to learn a little bit more about how Christmas are celebrated in Great Britain. It is an extract form "I love English" magazine nº 3


Monday, 13 December 2010

Model Exhibition

Our students of 1st year ESO C organized an exhibition at our school to let their schoolmates enjoy the wonderful models they made of the favourite room in their house.
To make the models they used shoe boxes and lots of imagination.
Did you miss the exhibition? Well , watch the video then.