Wednesday 27 November 2013

2013 National Turkey

One of the more lighthearted White House events, the National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation and Pardoning Ceremony, takes place each year just before the Thanksgiving holiday. During the ceremony, the President of the United States grants a presidential pardon to the turkey, fortunate enough to be selected as the National Thanksgiving Turkey.
This somewhat odd tradition has evolved through the years, with its earliest roots possibly dating back to the Lincoln administration. Although the details are not documented, President Lincoln is thought to have spared the life of a turkey at the request of his son, Tad, who wanted to keep it as a pet.

The first record of a turkey being spared is from 1961 when President Kennedy decided not to eat that year's 55-pound  turkey, saying, "We'll just keep him." The bird was returned to his farm home.
In 1989, President George H.W. Bush started the tradition of an official presidential pardon for the National Thanksgiving Turkey with the words, "This fine tom turkey has been granted a presidential pardon as of right now." Since then, the tradition has continued every year, usually on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day.

In addition to the actual National Thanksgiving Turkey, a second turkey is selected to serve as the first runner up each year, just in case the winner is not able to fulfill its duties.

Both turkeys receive pardons but only one takes the title of  National Thanksgiving turkey. American peole vote on Facebook , Twitter to choose the best candidate.

This year the candidates are POPCORN and CARAMEL

You can still vote for one of them !!

Ways to Vote: On Twitter, use #TeamCaramel or #TeamPopcorn
On Instagram, use #TeamCaramel or #TeamPopcorn and regram your favorite
On Facebook, "like" and "share" your bird of choice
Click on the image below to hear them  gobble